Crackle painting is a technique used to give painted surfaces a worn and aged look. Superior Crackle Medium creates large and small cracks in a top coat of paint to let the base coat show through. Follow these steps...
Superior Crackle Medium
Superior Crackle Medium is water base medium offers a consistent “weathered”, cracked paint finish that works every time! When applied between two layers of Superior Paints, it will cause the top paint layer to crack revealing glimpses of the base paint color.
1. Apply your base Superior Paint Co. colour and let dry completely.

2. Apply Superior Crackle Medium where you would like the the cracks to appear and let dry.
Dabbing the Superior Crackle Medium with a foam brush.
3. Apply ONE smooth coat of your top Superior Paint Co. colour (DO NOT brush back and forth over the surface!)
I choose Robins Egg one of my personal favorites!
4. Wait and watch as the cracks appear!
This is my favorite part...Using Superior Crackle your will love watching paint dry!
5. Once completely dry make sure to seal your project with Superior Top Coat.
***For directions on how to seal your project click here***
I Top Coat sealed in my favorite Superior Paint Co. Flat for a soft shabby chic finish.
- Make sure to practice first on a piece of cardboard or scrap piece of wood.
- The heavier you apply your top paint colour the larger the cracks will appear/ The thinner you apply your top paint colour the smaller the cracks will appear.
- Apply the Superior Crackle Medium two ways with sponge brush (which gives you small, random hairline cracks) or with a paintbrush (which creates much bigger cracks that generally flow in the direction you brush).
- Make sure to apply the top Superior paint colour on a horizontal surface to prevent runs.
- Apply the Top Superior Paint colour three ways with a brush, heavy nap roller or HVLP sprayed.
- You need to work quickly, and once you've applied your top Superior paint colour to a section, you need to move on, because the crackling will begin immediately. If you go back and apply more to an area or run the brush through it again, you'll erase the cracks. When blending brush strokes into a previously painted section, don't blend too far or you run the risk of pulling the crackle finish off.

Things You'll need:
- Your project
- Furniture Cleaner (we always recommend using TSP ECO)
- Base Superior Paint Colour
- Crackle Medium
- Top Superior Paint Colour
- Top Coat Sealer
- Drop Cloth
- Chalk paint brushes or Roller
- Foam brush (optional)
For inspiration check out our Pinterest Superior Crackle Medium board of furniture and home decor crackled!
We absolutely love seeing everyone transformations make sure to show of your work on the Superior Pinterest Artisans Board or tag @superiorpaintco on Instagram to have your work featured!
Happy Painting Everyone!
P.S. I apologize in advance once you get the hang of it you will become addicted and nothing in your home will be safe from being Crackled!